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Astro-Karma Consultation

I am aware that some of you have waited too long to get a reading from me. It’s been hard to manage both social media and book writing and so, my readings have taken a backseat. I will resume in a few months once my editing for the next book is complete. Will be dedicating some months exclusively to readings before I begin writing the next book. You’ll receive mail from my office once I restart and we’ll address some long pending requests.

Your Consultation

  • AstroKarma Short reading
    • $ $70 / ₹ 5000 Monthly
      • Soul Path
      • Key Karmic Influences
      • Life Purpose & Goals
      • Soul Lessons

    • Product Details
  • AstroKarma Regular reading
    • $ $100 / ₹ 7500 Monthly
      • Soul Path
      • Soul Patterns
      • Key Karmic Influences
      • Life Purpose & Goals
      • Soul Lessons

    • Product Details